In today’s asymmetric warfare, these injury data show percentage changes between fragmentation and projectile wounds. In Lebanese urban warfare, there has been a %36 reduction in projectile wounds and a %57 reduction in shrapnel wounds. Deaths due to hemorrhage increased from %41 to 56. Scientific studies on the subject, which have been conducted and are being conducted, show the following table when analyzed in terms of the percentage distribution of injuries to the body:

* Flesh and back wounds, fragmentation wounds are not included
+ Multiple traumas
**80% fragmentation injuries, between 1-45 and an average of 9
Generally, conventional combat injuries from small fragmentation weapons are most commonly observed in the limbs. In the above ratios, it is evident that the highest number of injuries have consistently been concentrated in the head and limbs throughout the history of World Warfare. Moreover, due to the asymmetric threat, the injury patterns caused by threat elements are increasing in favour of haemorrhagic injuries. In areas such as Ireland, Somalia and Iraq, where urban conflicts and terrorist incidents occur, the number of deaths from unstoppable bleeding has almost doubled compared to more conventional wars such as Korea and Vietnam. Among these injuries, mines, remote-controlled mines and booby-trapped explosives are more common according to today’s combat characteristics. Especially anti-personnel mines, the most common ones are fragmentation mines, pressure mines, bouncing mines and mines placed by remote launching. In addition, explosives made of all kinds of flammable, explosive and toxic chemicals or existing bombs and mines, activated by a sensor or electromagnetic field emitting control (mobile phone etc.) are classified as booby traps. The following findings were obtained in the study on these types of explosives. In light of these findings, controlling the bleeding, opening the airway, resutation, splinting and fixation with traction kits should be performed in the first 5 minutes. If bleeding is considered to be intense, haemostatic plugs, emergency trauma bandages for limb ruptures and a tourniquet if necessary should be used. If we encounter a second-class situation, it is necessary to use almost 2 times the materials we have. Without these procedures, it is difficult to control the bleeding only with the tampons in the classical war package. In addition, if we calculate the time it takes for helicopter ambulances to evacuate the wounded without landing safety, and the arrival and departure times, the reasons for the casualties caused by mines can be easily understood. In conclusion, first aid in the field of conflict will save more lives under all circumstances than the measures taken by wounded soldiers on their own, by their comrades who are fighting with them or by the first aid physician in a fully equipped surgical hospital.