Celox Granules

<< Celox

Celox Granules
15 GR

Celox Granules
2 GR

Proven Haemostatic Control

Celox Granules can quickly stop severe bleeding.

  • Safe, easy to use, cost-effective and
    has the ability to apply to a variety of different wounds.
  • Exothermic reaction does not occur, does not produce heat.
  • Works under hypothermic conditions and also coagulates
  • Simple operation – Tear open, pour, press, pack.

Celox has been proven to work in moderate to severe bleeding and has been extensively tested. Independent studies have shown that, when compared with other products, Celox has the highest survival rate and also the highest clotting rate without re-bleeding.

Easy to Use

Celox Granules take the shape of the wound to provide firm pressure on the source of bleeding, even in complex injuries. Celox Granules have been shown to:

  • Saving lives.
  • Reliably stopping arterial
  • Coagulate hypothermic blood.
  • Blood clotting containing
    Warfarin or Heparin.
  • Arterial and venous haemorrhage.
  • Moderate to severe bleeding.
  • Complex and deep wounds.
  • Coagulopathic conditions that may be cold or hypothermic or using anticoagulant drugs such as Warfarin or Heparin.

Celox granules have also undergone extensive safety testing, do not generate heat and are non-allergenic. The product is not mineral-based and the chitosan material left in the body breaks down, making Celox the safe, proven choice.

Celox granules are available in a 15 gram sachet for situations where every gram of weight recovered is vital, yet with enough material to treat a serious injury.


For more details and price information about the products, please contact us.